Surprise Trip to NC!
A couple weeks ago I got a text from our Aunt Val asking if we would be interested in coming up to North Carolina for a visit. She wanted to surprise her sister, (Clementine’s Grammy) Alex. Of course we wanted to visit, so we made plans for a time when Dave was going to be in the field because he wouldn’t have been able to join us either way.
Off we went!

It was Clementine’s first plane ride, and she did a lot better than I expected. There were a few ~15min moments of tantrums in the airport and on the plane, but for the most part she was great (for a two year old anyway haha).
We arrived at Grammy and Poppy’s house around 8pm, somehow didn’t alert the in-laws when we pulled in, rang the doorbell, and hid.
Grammy and Poppy were shocked and thrilled!
We spent hours with them that night, and stayed up way past our bed time. I think we left after 1 am! We just couldn’t leave.
Over the next couple days we had lots of fun.
I wanted to get together with some of mine and Clementine’s friends, so we made some plans for that.
We met my friend Jenny and Clementine’s buddy Aidan at the playground nearby.

It was awesome seeing all the fall colors on the trees, and feeling the crisp cool autumn air. The 20 degree temperature difference from Texas to North Carolina was very noticeable, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Clementine and Aidan had a blast crunching around in the leaves while Jenny and I talked photography business.

Val wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving early with everyone while we were there which was great because I had procrastinated trying out a new yam bake recipe. Clementine helped make the pies with Aunt Val and Grammy.

Then Clementine chased Grammy and Aunt Val around the house RAWRing like a dinosaur!

The weather was gorgeous, so we decided to enjoy it for a little bit after preparing the food.

While the turkey and fixings were cooking we went down the street to Grammy and Poppy’s house to feed the animals. Clementine wanted to help.

Clementine and Poppy had a lot of fun playing on the way to feed the horses.

On the way back down to the house we stopped in Poppy’s garage to check out the motorcycles. Clementine thought the horn was hilarious hahaha

We had a really fun visit. I hope you enjoyed this little peek into our trip.
I can’t thank Val enough for gifting us this awesome experience!
Hopefully our NC family can come down and see us in San Antonio, Texas!